- Nana, Ai Yazawa
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- Nana, Ai Yazawa Still, being a middle child had it's own perks; while her siblings had to deal with being in the center of attention, she was left to her own devices, free to do what she wanted to do (that is, as long as she didn't stain the family name). And she was never truly alone - she had the company of Vegeta, Sailor Moon, Sakuragi, and Yusuke Urameshi and the gang, keeping herself occupied with anime and manga, which taught her that there was nothing in this world that she couldn't achieve if she set her heart to it. She was five when she first picked up a pencil, and what started of as doodles of barely decipherable monsters and magical girls grew to become elaborate drawings as she wanted to be able to create her own stories and characters, just like the ones she saw on television. She didn't have too much trouble growing up, and for the most part, life seemed to be a breeze for Taeyeon - she had things and interests that set her apart from her siblings, had her own circle of friends, she had the looks, and even a boyfriend, which she deemed the love of her life. Then the third year of high school came. Her parents started pressuring her with what she wanted to do after graduating, and Taeyeon, who was then directionless, had no real answer to tell her parents, resulting in a less than ideal relationship with them, distancing herself from them even more as they tried to force her down the path they wanted her to take, with her mother even burning some of her favorite manga. She turned to her friends, but even then she realized that she couldn't even trust them, having caught her boyfriend sleeping with her best friend, and all the others knew without telling her. It was then that Taeyeon's world crashed and she hit rock bottom; with no one to trust, she withdrew herself from others (even her siblings) and shut down, falling into depression. She cut school more often, kept to herself, drastically lost weight as she had no appetite or motivation to take care of herself, and even began to think that maybe life just wasn't for her. Watching anime occupied her thoughts, from the most part, and only when she was watching did she feel less lonely or depressed about how her life was going and how hopeless everything seemed. It was her sister who helped her get back on her feet, however; after almost a year of feeling nothing but emptiness and hopelessness, her sister pleaded with her to get help and return to how she used to be, the goofy, whimsical, light-hearted Taeyeon. It was then that she decided to take control of her life once more; she sought professional help, started taking better care of herself, and decided on goals that she wanted to achieve in life. It wasn't easy, and even now she still falls into bouts and relapses of depression, but she's getting better. Despite the disfavor of her parents as it wasn't very practical, she decided that art was what she wanted to do in life, and after managing to finish high school, she decided to take up digital art in Yonsei with a focus on animation, as her dream was to create visual stories like the ones that kept her mind off thoughts that life wasn't worth living and even gave her some hope. Wanting a fresh start in college, she pledged to ZTA and involved herself with extracurricular activities. Life isn't perfect yet for Kim Taeyeon, and she doubts it will ever be, but right now, it seems worth hanging on to. • Though she may seem friendly, she trusts very few people (of which include her brother and sister) and does not easily open up, even to the ones she calls her friends. She can also have rather intense mood swings and emotional ups and downs. • Has little brain to mouth filter and will say what's on her mind often without thinking it through, and as such can be seen as tactless. She can also be a bit manipulative and has asshole tendencies. • Don't be fooled by her small figure; she holds a black belt in both taekwondo and karate, having taken consistent training and lessons since she was seven. She will literally fight you if you cross her or do anything to her siblings. Height is not an issue (and she'll punch you if you make fun of hers). • Grew up a bit of tomboy and still remains one. She's not very feminine or "lady-like", as her mother puts it, and feels most comfortable in jeans/shorts and a large shirt than she is in dresses. • Other times she's reckless and gets herself in all kinds of trouble, and other times, all she wants to do is stay inside in bed all day. • Is a bit of an ahjumma in that she laughs like one, occasionally talks like one, and has containers ready to take home food when she attends a party or an event. • Aside from art, music is the other thing she's good at and also loves. She joined and has won a few singing competitions in the past and has also been scouted, though she turned down the offer as she wasn't sure it was something she wanted to pursue. Still, music remains one of the things she can't live without and now also hosts her own music show in Yonsei Campus Radio. • Owns a poodle called Ginger who lives with her and who she treats like her baby. • Has gone through a few short-lived, rocky relationships after her break-up with her first boyfriend, mostly due to the fear of commitment that she'd developed after then. Now believes that love might just be an illusion, or at the very least, just not for her. • Looks up to and loves the work of Hayao Miyazaki and Makoto Shinkai the most, and wants to create art and stories just like theirs. • Studied and taught herself Japanese at a young age and is conversational at it, though she's still looking to get better. • Her favorite authors include Haruki Murakami and Edogawa Rampo. She's a fan of mystery/psychological thrillers, horror, and surrealism. • One of her favorite characters is Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas, and she owns and collects Jack Skellington merchandise, from phone cases to plushies. • Enjoys video games and once got crazy addicted to The Sims, that she'd stay up until the early hours of the morning just playing the game. She loved creating and designing characters and even whole neighborhoods. • Collects perfumes and has one for each occasion and day of the week. • A hobby she's recently gotten into is making scented candles. |